Plnaet minecraft legend of zelda majoras mask
Plnaet minecraft legend of zelda majoras mask

plnaet minecraft legend of zelda majoras mask

The Skull Kid, manipulated by Majora's Mask, is responsible for the moon threatening to destroy Termina. This tribe vanished and the origin and nature of the Mask was lost. The ancient ones, fearing catastrophe caused by its great power, "sealed the Mask in shadow forever" to prevent its misuse. He tells Link that Majora's Mask has an evil, apocalyptic power inside that was once used by an ancient tribe in hexing rituals. Link then tells him he did not get the mask and the salesman becomes enraged.

plnaet minecraft legend of zelda majoras mask

The Happy Mask Salesman teaches Link the Song of Healing, which returns Link to his human form and leaves him with the Deku Mask. He plays the Song of Time on the ocarina, which causes him and Tatl to return to the moment they first arrived in Termina. Link is unable to take the mask, but retrieves the Ocarina of Time. Tael tells Link that he must get four giants, one from the swamp, ocean, mountains, and the canyons. He confronts the Skull Kid and Tael at midnight of the third day at the top of Clock Tower, not long before the moon is set to hit. Link learns that the moon of the alternate world that this land resides in will crash into Clock Town in three days. Link and Tatl exit the Clock Tower in the center of Clock Town, which is preparing for the Carnival of Time. There he meets the Happy Mask Salesman, who says he can help Link if he retrieves the Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask from the Skull Kid. Link follows the Skull Kid through the cave to Clock Tower in Termina. Upset over the betrayal, Tatl agrees to help Link return to normal. At the bottom, the Skull Kid turns him into a Deku Scrub and runs away with Tael, abandoning Tatl. Link follows them into a dark cave, where he falls down a deep hole. While in the woods on his horse Epona, the masked Skull Kid and his fairy friends, Tatl and Tael, steal Epona and the powerful musical instrument, the Ocarina of Time, from Link. Majora's Mask takes place several months after Ocarina of Time and begins with Link searching for an unnamed friend. All information due to their rightful owners. This is taken straight from here due to lack of a better description of the game. Story SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED THE ACTUAL GAME, YET! 1.1 SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T FINISHED THE ACTUAL GAME, YET!.

Plnaet minecraft legend of zelda majoras mask